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    The purpose of EuroSITES (European Ocean Observatory Network) is to integrate the observational capacity of oceanin Europe and product through networking a real ocean observatory.

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    Characterization of Phytoplankton Blooms in Argentina platform

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    It was conducted by the ICCM with the main objective to collect observations in the Canary Islands marine environment; to the north by making the monthly visit to the ESTOC site, and to the south to study the dinamicity in the water column due to the arrival of different water masses and the African coastal upwelling.\n1. To comply with the monthly sampling at the ESTOC station 812. Data was taken to 3700 m at 24 depths from surface to bottom making two profiles, since there was only available a rosette with 12 bottles of 10 l. Samples for oxygen, carbon system, nutrients, gelbstoff, salinity and chlorophyll 'a' (the later to 200m) were taken.\n2. Deploy of two drifting buoys from NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, USA) at stations 812 (ESTOC) and 824 (eddy), as part of the collaboration between the ICCM and NOAA to study the surface currents in the Canary Islands environment.\n3. Carry out hydrographic investigations in the triangle area enclosed by the south of the Canary Islands. A total of 23 CTD/rosette stations were made, casting two profiles per station (2000-200m, 200-5m); it provided enough data to characterize the water column. Samples for oxygen, the carbon system, nutrients, gelbstoff, salinity and chlorophyll 'a' (the later to 200m) were taken.\n4. Deploy of 3 ARGOS floats at stations 818, 835 and 843 .\n5. Drop 8 expandable bathythermograph to thermally characterise the extent of the eddy supposed to be located at station 824.

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    The main objetive of PLOCAN1304 cruise is twofold. On the one hand implement PLOCAN testing bank area, located in NE coast of Gran Canaria island, and on the other hand, doing seasonal sampling of ESTOC (Estacion de Series Temporales Oceánias de Canarias), which represents PLOCAN node oceanic observatory, located 60 nautical miles north of Gran Canaria island.

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    The main objetive of PLOCAN1310 cruise is twofold. On the one hand implement PLOCAN testing bank area, located in NE coast of Gran Canaria island, and on the other hand, doing seasonal sampling of ESTOC (Estacion de Series Temporales Oceánias de Canarias), which represents PLOCAN node oceanic observatory, located 60 nautical miles north of Gran Canaria island. Hydrological and Geophisical sampling at NER300 area.